Pokémon are creatures of all shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside humans. For the most part, Pokémon do not speak except to utter their names. There are currently more than 800 species of Pokémon that have been discovered.
Pikachu is an electric-type Pokémon that can store electricity in its cheeks. It is the mascot of the Pokémon franchise and one of the most popular and recognizable Pokémon.
Bulbasaur is a grass-type Pokémon that has a seed on its back that grows with time. It is one of the three starter Pokémon in the Kanto region and can evolve into Ivysaur and then Venusaur.
Squirtle is a water-type Pokémon that resembles a turtle. It can withdraw into its shell for protection and spray water from its mouth. It is one of the three starter Pokémon in the Kanto region and can evolve into Wartortle and then Blastoise.
Charmander is a fire-type Pokémon that has a flame at the tip of its tail. It is said that if the flame goes out, it dies. It is one of the three starter Pokémon in the Kanto region and can evolve into Charmeleon and then Charizard.